
Southern Ontario’s Christian Newspaper


April 2024 Update:
Please note this month’s Christian Herald is printed on premium paper, and so our bundles are noticeably thicker than usual.
The number of papers that are usually delivered to your congregation has not changed.

Distribute Christian Herald at Church or Business

For more than a quarter-century, Christian Herald has been serving the Christian community in Southern Ontario.

One of the largest-circulation independent Christian newspapers in Canada, Christian Herald is dedicated to providing solid reporting that local Christians can’t get anywhere else. We report on local and international news, upcoming events and each edition features reviews of Christian books, music and movies that rarely, if ever, get mentioned in mainstream media reporting.

Christian Herald is distributed in the lobbies of dozens of different Christian denominations including Alliance, Anglican, Associated Gospel, Baptist, Charismatic, Christian Reformed, Church of God, Foursquare, Independent, Lutheran, Messianic, Methodist, Nazarene, Pentecostal, Presbyterian, Salvation Army, Vineyard and many others.

There is no cost to a congregation or business to distribute Christian Herald.
Ideally, your location will be able to distribute 50 copies per month ( approx. 12 copies per week).

For urban locations that see very high rates of pedestrian traffic (e.g. major intersections), we are working on a limited number of streetboxes to be deployed in the next twelve months. If you believe you are in proximity to such a high-traffic location (and your organization is willing to help sponsor the cost of the box) please let us know.

To begin the process of having Christian Herald delivered to your location, please fill out the form below:

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April 2024

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